Hi B.Com. Students, I am sharing B.Com. Third Year subject - Income Tax Law & Practice notes, book for Hindi medium students . Income Tax Law & Practice is mostly taught as part of the B.Com. 3rd Year course and these Hindi medium PDF lecture notes will help prepare well for your BCom semester exams. The major topics covered in these Hindi Medium B.Com. Third Year lecture notes and Book of Income Tax Law & Practice are: Definitions : Agricultural Income, Previous year, Assessment year, Assessee, Person, Casual Income Total Income, Residence of assessee and incidence of Tax liability. Income exempted from tax: Income under the head salary, house property, business and profession (including depreciation allowance and investment allowance etc.) capital gains and other sources. Deduction from gross total income, set-off and carry forward of losses, Aggregation of incomes. Assessment of individuals, Hindu... Income Tax Law & Practice notes, book,...